Plywood Sheet Thickness Gauging Posted in: Thickness Measurement – Tags:

Non-Contact Laser Thickness Measurement of Plywood and Oriented Strand Board

Sawmills are harsh environments that demand accurate laser sensors under dusty conditions. Production of plywood and OSB (oriented strand board) sheet is highly automated. Several Acuity customers are system integrators who develop specialized instruments for the forest products industry.

One machine builder chooses AR700 laser displacement sensors in opposing pairs to measure dimensions of wood sheets in several locations. The AR700 with a CMOS detector array performs well on plywood, despite the presence of dark-colored knots. Thickness gauging is important because thin boards are inferior and sheets that are too thick waste materials and resources.

Sawmills and plywood manufacturing plants present special challenges because they are dusty environments. All laser sensor equipment is kept clean using forced air. Air nozzles blow pressurized air across the optical windows to prevent buildup of dust that could diminish measurement accuracy.

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AR700 Laser Displacement Sensor

The AR700 laser displacement sensor is Acuity’s top of the line, most precise, laser triangulation sensor. The AR700 series contains models with measurement ranges from 0.125 inches up to 50 inches and resolutions as low as one-sixth of a micron. With sampling speeds up to 9.4kHz and linearity to within 0.03% of the measurement range, the AR700 is a versatile sensor for many challenging applications.

Sarah Maywalt
Inside Technical Sales and Support at Acuity Laser | Website | + posts

Sarah has been our technical support and sales engineer for 5+ years. If you've ever reached out to Acuity Laser for tech support, more than likely, Sarah is the one who helped you.